Moorside Pre-School logo - Nursery Education Lancaster

01524 66516 or 07572399254

Moorside Pre-School mobile logo - Nursery Education Lancaster

Moorside Pre-School After School Club

01524 66516 or 07572399254

Development Map

Development Map is an online system which we use to help us share your child’s learning and development with you.  

If you consent to us using the system when you enrol you will receive an email to set up your account, you will then be able to view and share pictures of your child’s experiences at home and Pre-School.  

“The Development Map has been designed to show young children’s learning and progress in a holistic way so that practitioners, teachers, parents and carers can see the ‘whole child’ and understand the complex nature of their development and progress from birth to 6 yrs old. 

There are so many ways you can use the Development Map it is probably best described as a ‘pedagogical tool’ which brings together good practice based on child development; as well as supporting the professional development of observation skills and ensuring that we think about children’s progress in a child-centred way. 

The Development Map is a collaborative tool which supports positive relationships between the child, the family and the setting/school; through good communication, sharing the child’s learning, progress and building authentic partnerships.”