01524 66516 or 07572399254
01524 66516 or 07572399254
01524 66516 or 07572399254
Moorside Pre-School welcomes all children and we recognise that every child develops at their own rate and takes a unique path, with some children requiring additional support to make progress.
We have a designated special educational needs coordinator, Mrs Laura Askew, who works with parents, the children’s key worker and outside agencies to put steps in place for children who need support above our ordinary provision.
If you have any concerns about any aspect of your child’s development or they currently receive support then please let us know e.g. you have a concern about their speech, physical development, hearing or social and emotional development or they currently see a physiotherapist, paediatrician or receive speech therapy. We can advise you of where to access support and are able to make referrals to speech therapy and the local inclusion service. You can also go directly to you GP or health visitor.
We believe in fostering open and honest relationships with families and if we have any concerns about your child’s development we will share this with you and discuss and strategies we would like to put in place for them. Any advice from outside agencies we seek will be in partnership with you.
We work in partnership with Lancashire County Council, with our local offer forming part of their strategy for SEND support. Read it here.
Moorside Pre-School and After School Club, Moorside Primary School, Bowerham Road, Lancaster LA1 4HT
01524 66516 or 07572399254