Moorside Pre-School logo - Nursery Education Lancaster

01524 66516 or 07572399254

Moorside Pre-School mobile logo - Nursery Education Lancaster

Moorside Pre-School After School Club

01524 66516 or 07572399254


Our routine is based on the principle that children learn best when they are interested and engaged. We have as long periods of possible where the children can choose what area of provision they would like to play in without interruption to this. We aim to know the children well enough to have provided resources that will interest them and extend their learning how is needed, either independently or by us joining them. For example, if we knew your child loves to play rescue games on the bikes outside and needs to explore number we could make numbered islands in the garden and play a game in which they had to take a certain number of dinosaurs to each island to ‘save them’.  

We maintain the same structure each day to ensure children know what to expect and that they can build upon and extend their learning and experiences each day.  

8 – 9:15am Breakfast and self-directed play
9:15 – 9:30am Group time
9:30 – 11:45am Self-directed play, adult led activities and small group work as appropriate
10:00 – 10:30am Rolling snack
11:45am – 12:00 Group time
12 – 12:30pm Lunch time
12:30 – 2:45pm Self-directed play, adult led activities and small group work as appropriate
2:45 – 3:00pm Group time
3:00pm Home time/ extended PM After school club routine begins

Read about How and What We Learn