01524 66516 or 07572399254
01524 66516 or 07572399254
01524 66516 or 07572399254
Click the titles to read about the learning processes.
We recognise that there are certain behaviours children use in order to learn so we promote and recognise them throughout our provision.
Playing and Exploring (Engagement)
A Unique Child: What a child might be doing
Finding out and exploring
Playing with what they know
Being willing to “have a go”
Active Learning (Motivation)
A Unique Child: how a child is learning
Being involved and concentrating
Keeping on trying
Enjoying achieving what they set out to do
Thinking Creatively and Critically (Thinking)
A Unique Child: how a child is learning
Having their own ideas (creative thinking)
Making links (building theories)
Working with ideas (critical thinking)
Prime areas of development and learning lay vital foundations in the early years:
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Communication & Language
Physical Development
Specific areas of learning and development provide children with knowledge and skills to flourish in society:
Understanding the World
Expressive Arts and Design
Each practitioner leads a particular area of learning. They plan for starting points on our overview each term. Using this they plan as a team each week to ensure that the continuous provision is challenging and relevant to the children’s current learning and development, and that any aspects which would be most effectively taught through an adult led activity is planned for.
We recognise that in the early years the teaching process happens in many of the interactions we have with the children in their play, with teachers skilfully extending learning based on their knowledge of the individual child and typical development. These are ‘teachable moments’. As they happens many times each day it would not be beneficial to record every one of these moments. We instead record them once each term for every child in what is called their ‘focus week’. This offers us the opportunity to reflect on how the child is learning, how we are extending their learning and what we could do next to support them. We work in partnership with parents with this- a copy of the focus week sheet is shared and next steps are developed together in a meeting. We do this in place of formal parent’s evenings as feel that they are more meaningful.
One of the special things we do at Pre-School are called Helicopter Stories. Based on a method developed by Vivian Gussin Paley, taught by Trisha Lee, the children at Pre-School become adept story tellers and actors.
The children tell the teachers stories and watch them scribe this into their special book. At group time it is then acted out, with children taking on different roles.
This is a fantastic way for them to develop early writing and literacy skills, along with supporting creative and social development.
We use the WellComm system developed by speech therapists to assess the children’s listening and understanding skills. To complete the assessment each child’s key person answers some questions about them or plays some short games. From this we will find some aspects to feed into our planning and will be made aware of any children who may need some more structured support with their communication and language. This is then planned for individually or for the whole group, with an emphasis of doing this throughout our daily interactions with the children where possible. We find that using Wellcomm has a significant positive impact on children’s language skills.
Moorside Pre-School and After School Club, Moorside Primary School, Bowerham Road, Lancaster LA1 4HT
01524 66516 or 07572399254